Thank you for saying what needs to be said. I wish I could broadcast your words on every TV, phone, and computer screen. Folks need to know we've been lied to our whole lives, for generations.

I, too, am filled with so much rage for all the lives wrongfully taken by the machine—humans, animals, plants... all life. While I don't like holding on to negative emotions, this rage I feel is different. It stokes the fire in my heart to keep fighting, no matter how hopeless things may seem, because I cannot accept the alternative. Injustice must see justice.

Getting everyone else to wake up from this nightmare we've been induced into is probably the hardest thing we'll have to do, but it is also the most necessary. It's an uphill battle, but as long as we keep pushing, we'll make it to the other side. We have to.

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Thank you for sharing that my words resonated with you. It means a lot to me, especially when I often feel like I'm shouting into the void. I experience so much rage, but it springs from love and the anguish I feel over these injustices. I cannot sit by and allow terrible things to pass without criticism and action.

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